FILMGOERS can sample films from as far and wide as Pakistan and Palestine and Iraq and Iran, right in the centre of Oxford this week.

The Muslim Education Centre of Oxford (MECO) is behind the inaugural Muslim Film Festival, which is showing 13 films from across the Islamic world at the Burton Taylor Studio at the Oxford Playhouse, Beaumont Street, until Saturday.

MECO chairman Dr Taj Hargey said: "MECO has a long-standing commitment to building bridges of dialogue between cultures and creeds and what better way to do this than through the genre of film?

"We believe this festival is the first of its kind anywhere in the United Kingdom. We are showing a stunning selection of films from around the Islamic World and every film makes a distinctive contribution in bringing greater understanding about the critical intersection of religion and politics."

The programme for the week is as follows: Wednesday, 5pm Osama (Afghanistan), 8pm Paradise Now (Palestine); Thursday, 5pm Le Grand Voyage (France), 8pm Grbavica (Bosnia); Friday, 5pm Mutluluk (Turkey), 8pm Rana's Wedding (Palestine); Saturday, 2 pm Moolaade (Mali), 5pm Offside (Iran), 8pm Yasmin (UK).

Each screening will be followed by an open critique led by art critics and academic experts about the cinematic merits and the politico-religious issues raised by each film and free background notes and director/actor information will be also be provided to facilitate discussion.

Dr Hargey added: "The films are open to all ages and all faiths and we hope they will entice people and families to come along and see Muslim film at its best and also join in discussing the subject of each film in a relaxing and informative fashion."

For full film details and screening times for the Muslim Film Festival visit: or

Tickets can be obtained in advance from the Oxford Playhouse (01865 766032) or at the door. Admission £5, Discounts £4.