Gosford Hill celebrated a successful A-level results day with with a fifth of students getting A* to A.

Almost 50 per cent of the students at the Kidlington school received grades between A* and B.

There are some impressive individual success stories including Melissa P who achieved two A* grades and one A and is now off to study law with a year abroad in English at Warwick University.

Sian D also achieved one A* and two A’s progressing to the University of Exeter to study Economics and Politics with Industrial Experience.

Other notable performances include Elijah C and Idris T who both achieved AAA and will be entering the medical profession, with Idris attending King’s College London to study an Extended Medical Degree Programme and Elijah taking a gap year for the moment.

Ember P, Joe L, Miriam W and Rory G, all achieved a minimum of two A’s and one B and will be taking up offers at the universities of Bath, York, Bristol and University of the West of England respectively.

A school statement said: "Our students were naturally delighted and all expressed their gratitude to their teachers.

"We are very proud of our student’s achievements and wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.

"We also want to thank family and friends for their continued support and to all the staff who have worked tirelessly to nurture and inspire them."