Pupils across Bicester found out their A-Level results this morning after an anxious wait with one school getting their “best-ever” set of results.

For the fourth year in a row, The Bicester School celebrated its best-ever A Level results day and vocational results.

This is despite the top A-level grades falling across England from 2022.

The average A Level grade at The Bicester School was a grade B and the vocational average mark was a merit plus.

For these students, this is the first time they have sat public exams following the disruption to the examination process during the pandemic.

Oxford Mail: Thomas Kingsley (left) and Adam Newman (right) with their results

Executive Principal of The Bicester School, Tony Rushworth, said: “I would like to congratulate this tremendous cohort of year 13 students who have all worked exceptionally hard to collectively produce our best-ever set of A Level results.

“I wish all of our students well in taking their next steps into higher education, apprenticeships and employment. 

READ MOREA-level results day 2023: latest across Oxfordshire

“It's a testament to the students and the staff. This group went through Covid-19 so it's the first time they have sat formal exams so it's a relief to see them prove themselves."

Standout pupils Jai Wei Chong and Aidan Fitton earned a place at the University of Oxford following their straight A* results.

Jia Wei Chong will study maths after his excellent results in maths, further maths, chemistry and physics

Whilst, Aidan Fitton will study chemistry after his A*s in maths, biology and chemistry.

Oxford Mail: Jia Wei Chong (left) and Aidan Fittton (right) with their results

Meanwhile, Adam Newman got three A*s in biology, maths, physics and an A in chemistry earning him a place at Imperial College London to study biological sciences.

Thomas Kingsley described the day as "very relieving" as he found out he will be heading to Durham University to study physics after getting two A*s in maths, physics and two As in chemistry and further maths.

Head of sixth form, Gareth Allum, said: “It’s been a really rewarding day. Obviously the national picture, we were a bit concerned about what the grades might look like

“Last year was our best ever results but this year we managed to beat them again. We are really pleased with the outcomes and it's good to see the students so happy.”

While, The Cooper Schools saw 47 per cent of their students achieve grades from A* to B.

Of particular note were the outstanding achievements of Tobey Bell, Niamh Lavin, Elliot Lloyd, Harmony Matheson and Noemi Ventress who all achieved a combination of straight A* or A grades. 

Oxford Mail: Pupils pick up their results at The Cooper School

Harmony Matheson, who was successful in her application to the University of Oxford, said: “I couldn't be happier with my results. Next year I'm going to Oxford to study Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular) at Merton College.

"I want to thank all the teachers at The Cooper School for all their support throughout my A-Levels.”

Dr. Rob Whannel, the headteacher at The Cooper School, said: “We are very proud of this group of students.

“Despite completing their studies during a time of uncertainty and challenge in education, our students displayed resilience and commitment.

“We have been so impressed by how well these young people stayed enthusiastic and interested in their learning whilst growing as people and developing key traits such as independence and initiative; the skills that these students have developed will serve them well in whatever the future may hold.

Mrs Jen Post, assistant headteacher and head of sixth form said: “We are extremely proud of our year 13 students with these results, particularly the large percentage of students who successfully gained what was needed to take their next steps.

“They have coped with the many challenges of education presented by the impact of the Covid epidemic and they have taken it all in their stride which speaks volumes about their character, grit and determination to succeed.”

Sixth form students at Gosford Hill also picked up their results with a fifth per cent getting A* to A and 48 per of grades being between A* and B.

Oxford Mail: Idris shares his joy with his family

There are some impressive individual success stories including Melissa P who achieved two A* grades and one A and is now off to study law with a year abroad in English at Warwick University.

Sian D also achieved one A* and two A’s progressing to the University of Exeter to study Economics and Politics with Industrial Experience.

Other notable performances include Elijah C and Idris T who both achieved AAA and will be entering the medical profession, with Idris attending King’s College London to study an Extended Medical Degree Programme and Elijah taking a gap year for the moment.