Gordon Clack (Oxford Mail, June 26) has raised an important question about Lloyds Bank withdrawing its business in Cuba and closing accounts of customers who have trade dealings with the country. When will our Government act to protect UK companies or individuals, who are conducting legitimate transactions with Cuba from interference by the US?

Through Oxford East MP Andrew Smith, our group (Cuba Solidarity Oxford) has been in contact with Gareth Thomas, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Consumer Affairs, to ask this question.

His response? That no-one has made a complaint to his department and if they do, the department will make "appropriate inquiries".

I think we can conclude from this that the UK Government has little interest in dealing with this issue. It is up to us, as customers, to take the action. Good for Mr Clack that he is considering changing his account. Before he does so, he should ask other banks about their position on trading with Cuba as this situation is not confined to Lloyds.

CAROL STAVRIS Secretary Cuba Solidarity Oxford