I refer to John MacAllister's letter (Oxford Mail, June 25), in reply to mine about the withdrawal of the No 10 bus.

Storming down to the bus company's office - tried that one.

Writing to the bus company - tried that one.

Telephoning the bus company - tried that one.

Presenting a petition to Ian Hudspeth, the county council's cabinet member for transport - tried that one.

Expressing concern verbally to local councillors - tried that one.

Having residents' meetings and inviting councillors - tried that one.

Oh yes, and I have received a letter from Mr Hudspeth to say that the No 10 is a commercial service and the situation is not reversible.

I'm not proud - any ideas anyone? As a mere novice, I have run out of inspiration.

But for those 70 people who trusted me to do something, how can I give up?

SUE GONZALEZ Outram Road Florence Park Oxford