The proposed expansion of Grove Business Park would bring jobs and prosperity to the area, campaigners and councillors have claimed.

The owners of the business park near Wantage want to develop 35,000 sqm of space at the site to create a life sciences, technology, and innovation hub.

Investment company, the Oxford Endowment Fund, submitted its planning application to the Vale of White Horse District Council, the planning authority, last week.

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June Stock, chairman of Grove Parish Council, said: “It will be a positive for jobs because we have got all these developments with hundreds if not thousands of new houses, but no work.

“There’s very little employment around here.

“So, if you can get somewhere that’s actually going to give us some employment, then great.”

The new development would primarily be commercial floorspace comprising of offices and research and development areas.

The plans also include improving the existing buildings, landscaping, amenities, and infrastructure of the park.

Despite her praise, Cllr Stock warned that not everyone would benefit from the expansion.

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She said: “It’s a very limited type of employment rather than general employment. You must have scientific knowledge and research background.

“It’s awkward to say if there’s sufficient demand for that type of work in this area, especially as you already have Harwell and Milton Park.

But Julie Mabberley of Wantage and Grove Campaign Group said there was a demand for scientific jobs in the area.

“There are a lot of scientific communities here, so it fits in with the wider work in the area. If you are already working in the industry, you don’t want to move house just to change your job,” she said.

“It’s always a good idea to have extra employment locally so you don’t have to drive down the over-capacity roads. It’s less than a mile from Grove or Wantage. It’s perfect for those who cycle.”

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William Lawrie, head of property management at Oxford University Endowment Management, speaking on behalf of the Oxford Endowment Fund, said: “The proposed increase in quality and scale of the park, together with the new investment and job opportunities created in the life sciences, innovation and technology sectors is a really important resource for the region.

“The proposals include plans to deliver a BREAAM ‘Excellent’ development with enhanced bio-diversity, green amenity spaces, pedestrian priorities and improved access and permeability with the adjacent residential development, which will create a sustainable campus environment for the future.”

The proposed site of the park was previously used as a World War II airfield and subsequently for research and development uses.

The application is in the public consultation stage with a target decision date of November 1.