Hundreds of volunteers are needed to keep dozens of local organisations properly staffed, say community champions.

Didcot First, an organisation aimed at promoting Didcot positively, said at least 20 local groups, including Scouts, Citizens Advice Bureau, Didcot Volunteer Centre, Police and Didcot and District Twinning Association were struggling to recruit volunteers.

In a bid to combat the problem, it is hosting the first ever Didcot Volunteer Day on Saturday, July 12. Representatives from local organisations will be on hand at Didcot Civic Hall with information about their work between 11am and 4pm.

Development manager Di Chesterman said: "Didcot seems to have a poor volunteering ethos or it might be a lack of communication or the fact in some parts it's a dormitory town where people spend less time here. Working with one of the biggest volunteer bodies in Didcot, Didcot and District Scout Association, Didcot First will be bringing together all the agencies and groups who use volunteers to demonstrate the diversity of the volunteering role, to showcase the work of existing volunteers and to encourage everyone to see volunteering from a fresh point of view."

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