Men on an Oxford estate had better watch out - their looks, sense of humour and romantic side are about to be scrutinised in detail.

Eight women from Blackbird Leys have volunteered to find Mr Leys - the ideal man to represent their neighbourhood.

The judging panel want as many hunky men as possible to sign up for the chance to win a year's gym membership and the honour of being the estate's alpha male.

Competition organiser Kate Griffin said: "We thought it would be a bit of fun for the estate. We know there are lots of gorgeous men on the estate and we wanted to take the chance to celebrate that."

Entrants to the competition need to answer a series of questions and provide a photo of themselves to the judges.

The contest is open to men aged 16 to 120, and although looks will play a part, the judges are looking for the whole package when it comes to the ideal man to represent their estate. The eight women have already run their eyes over the first entrant - Pawel Brobowskiboth names corr, from Jourdaincorr Road - but will not make their final decision until a chocolate fuelled evening in mid July.

Judge Susan Mabwe, 29, from Knights Road, said: "I want to see funny, good looking guys. I like a guy who you can tell works out."

Jeannine Parfitt, 37, from Saxifrage Square, added: "I think the competition is brilliant fun - the winner has got to be a genuine nice guy.

"I am very honoured to be a judge, and I promise to give the judging my full attention."

But fellow judge Carmel Ryan, 44, from Balfour Road remained more sceptical.

"If we find a good one it will be a miracle." she said: "Years ago in the 1960s and 70s there was a Miss Blackbird Leys competition, so at least this makes a change."