There is no denying it. We are a nation bloated by unhealthy food and an apparent allergy to exercise. The problem is getting worse.

Children are getting tubbier as diets deteriorate and parents run scared at the thought of their little ones getting out and about.

School playing fields provide a sanctuary of safety and a spot for youngsters to enjoy games.

Do not underestimate the power of sport to build relationships between people, a sense of camaraderie and - above all - keep them fit!

So, hearing Oxfordshire County Council has sold off dozens of acres since 1998 - including whole school sites, playing fields and buildings - should spark concern.

Last night campaigners and experts said officials had put short-term financial gain above the long-term considerations of children's health. They are right.

The findings, unearthed by the Oxford Mail using the Freedom of Information Act, should worry all parents.

The council insists the money has been ploughed back into the education system, but should we have expected anything less?

Alison Moore-Gwyn, chief executive of Fields In Trust, said plugging gaps in funding through the sale of these "finite resources" has "far-reaching implications" for future generations.

We don't think her opinion is exaggerated.

Keep school playing fields away from the bulldozers no matter what the price of the land.