An RAF serviceman described to a court how he needed emergency surgery after being attacked when he got off a bus.

Peter Forrest, 23, told Oxford Youth Court today that he was hit by a group of boys while on a bus between Witney and Carterton in February.

Two 17-year-old boys, who cannot be named, deny grievous bodily harm.

Mr Forrest said a boy sat next to him on the bus at about 1.30am as he was returning to RAF Brize Norton after a night out in Witney.

He said: "He hit me square in the face and my nose just exploded.

"It was bleeding. The next thing I knew I had my arms up to my face and there were just punches coming from all angles to my head."

Mr Forrest said he must have blacked out and the next thing he remembered was being in a taxi, which had stopped to help him after he got off the bus, covered in blood.

He was taken to hospital where doctors fitted seven screws and a plate to help fix a broken ankle.

The two 17-year-olds said they got off the bus in Carterton but saw Mr Forrest make a rude gesture at them through the window - which he denied - so decided to chase the vehicle and catch up with him.

The first teenager admitted punching Mr Forrest once in the street, and the second teenager admitted punching him five times on the bus and kicking him once in the head. Both denied using the level of force which would have caused the injuries Mr Forrest sustained.

The case was adjourned until Monday and both teenagers bailed.