Four decades of seeing children smile as they cross the road safely has made the job all worthwhile for Val Hignell.

Cheerful Val is the county's longest serving lollipop lady and has more than 40 years experience outside the school gates in Blackbird Leys.

Mrs Hignell was among eight lollipop ladies who were honoured for their long service by Oxfordshire County Council.

Each of the ladies - who have more than 75 years of lollipop experience between them - was presented with a certificate at a special party at the Exeter Hall, Kidlington.

Mrs Hignell, 70, who currently works five days a week outside Pegasus Primary School in Field Avenue, said: "It is quite nice to be honoured, it is great really.

"I always try to be cheerful - and I don't mind the weather.

"The best thing about the job is you get out and meet people. You get to know the children by name. I see people who I used to cross with children of their own now."

Mrs Hignell, who is nicknamed Mrs Lollipop by schoolchildren, began seeing children safely to Harebell First School in Harebell Road in 1968.

She moved to Pegasus Primary School 20 years ago and said she was proud no children had been injured on her patrol ever since.

Maureen Barron, 61, who has patrolled Gloucester Street outside Faringdon Junior School in Faringdon for 15 years, said: "It is the kids that make the job worth doing. They are nice, polite children and I have really enjoyed it.

"I was a bit nervous about the award, but now I feel great."

Pat Turner, 55, who works at Wheatley Primary School in Littleworth Road, Wheatley, said: "Doing this job keeps you young. The best thing about the job is seeing the children come round the corner with a smile on their face. Mums actually say to their children: 'Mrs Turner is waiting for you, hurry up and eat your breakfast'."

Representatives from the police and the county council's roads safety partnership were among those congratulating the eight long-serving lollilop ladies at Wednesday's event.

A quiz night, buffet and raffle followed the ceremony.

County Hall's head of transport, Steve Howell, said: "What a fantastic job they all do.

"We felt this was a great opportunity to thank them for all their hard work."