A lorry driver said he only saw weight restriction signs when it was too late to turn around.

Mariusz Kolodziej, 52, was behind the wheel of a MAN TGX lorry when he drove the lorry over the historic bridge over the River Thames opposite The Rose Revived pub in Newbridge.

He was not present at Oxford Magistrates’ Court on Friday (July 28) when the matter was dealt with.

But in a form sent to the justices after he was told he was going to be prosecuted, he said that he only became aware of the 18 tonne weight restriction ‘right before the bridge and couldn’t go back’.

Oxford Mail: Newbridge Picture: OCCNewbridge Picture: OCC

It was the first time he had driven the route and his sat-nav did not warn him of the restriction, it was said.

Further, he told the magistrates that he was driving an empty load and his heavy goods vehicle would have weighed an estimated 15 tonnes.

READ MORE: Drivers 'still flouting weight restrictions', council says

On Friday, the justices were told by the council’s lawyer that any breaches of the weight restriction were judged on a vehicle’s maximum gross weight.

Kolodziej, of Queniborough Road, Leicester, was fined £220 and ordered to pay £268 in costs and a victim surcharge.