A ground-breaking website and communications hub has been created to promote awareness of community initiatives and community groups and services.

The concept of Community Projects (www.communityprojects.biz) is to support and develop ways in which we can make our communities a better place to live in.

Whether it is for a local football team, children's day care centre, skateboard park, respite home - an facility or community service can be profiled on the Community Projects website free of charge.

The website encourages people with a bright idea or worthy cause to discuss and build upon it with friends and neighbours, and to form a group.

Community Projects will assist be creating a free web page profile promoting the aims and objectives of the community group, which will then be uploaded to the site.

This provides an Internet presence and communications hub, and is the perfect tool for interaction between group members and other interested groups.

The Community Projects concept is the first of its kind in the UK. Social and community groups, youth groups environmental schemes, can all benefit from the development tools to b found on the website.

Local amenities such as theatres cinemas, dance halls, swimming pool and leisure centres are just a few of the other type of organisations that will find the new service particularly useful Community Projects is a not-for-profit organisation and aims to maintain free status for users.

Local government, governmen agencies and local businesses will also be encouraged to provide finance fo the scheme, as will, of course, those users benefiting from the site.

The Community Projects management team will provide a whole range of online services to users suc as start-up assistance, advice and management services, help with web-driven grant and funding applications to charities, funding providers, finance houses and industry sponsorship.

A full list of available services can be found in the services directory of the website The website has been designed fo quick and easy use, and visitors to the site can search by name, area of classification for a list of all types of community projects in their chosen area.

The Community Projects website will also act as a communications hub to promote localised and nationa campaigns to journalists and the media.

Community projects, groups and neighbourhood activities can be found under three main categories: general, Kids Zone and Youth Arena. Find your local group and join in - or create a group of your own.

For further information on this important new service to the community, or to upload details if your community project, visit the website: www.communityprojects.biz