Concern has been raised that there could be a serious accident at a dangerous blindspot in Oxford's busy Botley Road after a warning sign was taken down by Oxfordshire County Council.

Staff and users of the West Oxford Community Centre have expressed fears there could be a collision between motorists and cyclists turning on to the busy main road after a concealed entrance sign was taken down.

It was replaced with a sign advertising the local bowls club.

They claim traffic has speeded up over the nearby bridge as motorists are no longer aware of the hidden entrance.

Centre assistant manager Marelyn Clarke said: "Hundreds of people use this centre every week and without a concealed entrance notice, it is suicidal.

"We don't want to wait for the first accident to happen before this sign is put back up. Who is going to notice a bowls club sign unless you're playing bowls?"

Oxford Lord Mayor and Jericho and Osney councillor Susanna Pressel, who cycles to the centre for her monthly surgeries, said: "There have been so many near misses recently, it's really very worrying for everyone that uses the centre.

"If you're trying to turn right out of the centre, it's a nightmare because you can't see what's coming over the bridge."

Ms Pressel, who has asked to meet senior highways chiefs at the site, added: "We are absolutely certain there's going to be a serious accident there soon."

The county council, which said it changed the signs two months ago at the request of West Oxford Bowls Club, denied the turning was any more dangerous and said there was no history of accidents at the site.

Deputy area engineer Ashley Prior said: "The concealed entrance sign was removed at the request of local people who wanted a bowls club sign up instead.

"That sign says 'entrance 30 yards' - it is therefore still patently clear to motorists there is an entrance. There are also 'keep clear' markings at the junction.

"Traffic often queues there and the speed limit is in any case only 30mph. To try to make out this is a dangerous section of road is wide of the mark."

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