BENJAMIN MCCLELLAND, 24, of Fontwell Road, Bicester, admitted drink driving a Honda 125cc motorcycle in January. Tests taken after he was stopped in Whitelands Way, Bicester, showed he had 113mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath, more than three times the legal limit of 35mcgs. He was fined £400, banned from the roads for 25 months and must pay £245 in costs and surcharge.

QASIM HUSSAIN, 37, of Hurst Street, Oxford, pleaded guilty to stealing confectionery worth £191 from the Co-op and failing to surrender to the court on an earlier hearing. He was jailed for 16 weeks, with the court citing his previous convictions for theft and his failure to comply with probation. Hussain must pay £100 in compensation to the Co-op.

READ MORE: Scales of Justice results from July 31

CAROLINE WALLS, 47, of Linnet Close, Oxford, pleaded guilty to stealing thousands of pounds worth of goods from Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Next. He received a community order with 60 hours of unpaid work and a six month mental health treatment requirement. She must pay £2,554 in compensation.

JOSH HANNAWAY, 21, of Rochford Gardens, Bicester, admitted damaging a glass door worth £935 at a Sainsbury’s in Bicester in March. He was ordered to pay £500 in compensation and must pay £85 in costs.

READ MORE: Scales of Justice results from August 1

AKBAR KHAN, 34, of Mill Street, Oxford, admitted sending a ‘grossly offensive’ communication on June 2. Court papers said he had threatened to ‘burn down his ex-partner’s house in front of the children’. He received a community order with up to 20 days’ rehabilitation requirement days. The magistrates also imposed a two-year restraining order limiting his contact with the victim. He was ordered to pay £199 in costs and surcharge.

NIGEL SAUNDERS, 42, of Butchers Row, Banbury, pleaded guilty to eight breaches of a restraining order imposed at the crown court in Taunton in 2014. He was given a community order with the building better relationships course, up to 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days and a six month mental treatment programme. Saunders must pay £199 in costs and surcharge.

READ MORE: Scales of Justice results from August 3

SIMON GUNN, 56, of Graham Hill Road, Towcester, admitted drink driving a Toyota in Waterstock on June 21. Tests showed he had 103mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath, around three times the legal drink-drive limit. Gunn was given a community order with 100 hours of unpaid work and banned from driving for two years. He was ordered to pay £199 in costs and surcharge.

KAROLIS ANDRIJAUSKAS, 30, of Franklyn Close, Abingdon, pleaded guilty to damaging a window at Papa Johns in February, assaulting a police officer and used threatening behaviour at the John Radcliffe Hospital, and stealing a crate of Moretti beer from the BP Garage on Marston Road. He received a community order with a six month alcohol treatment requirement and 80 hours of unpaid work. He must pay £199 in costs and surcharge.

JOSEPH CARROLL, 54, of Littlemoor Field, Chinnor, admitted breaching a non-molestation order by telephone and text. He received an eight week prison sentence suspended for a year, must pay £500 compensation and was made subject to a restraining order for what the bench described as a ‘persistent breach of the non-molestation order’. He must pay £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.


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