Oxford City Council is fully committed to the Covered Market and to maintaining its mix of fresh produce, cafes and independent shops.

We want it to be a vibrant place at the centre of Oxford's retail area.

Its range of shops is protected through our Local Plan.

I have shopped in the Covered Market for my family for more than 20 years, so my commitment to its wellbeing and future is as much personal as political.

Warms words, though, count for nothing.

That is why I have met members of the Covered Market Association and have agreed to hold regular meetings with them, and a cross-party group of councillors and council officers.

We don't want this to be another talking shop, although we need to improve communication.

We will agree a rolling programme of repairs, refurbishments and regular cleansing.

We will also look at better ways of promoting the Covered Market.

Few cities are as fortunate as Oxford in having such a wonderful range of excellent shops all under one roof.

I am glad that so many people have shown their support for the Covered Market by signing the petition.

I hope that they will continue to show their support in a practical way by shopping there regularly and by encouraging others to do so.

After all, we want it to remain the jewel in Oxford's crown', not one of its best-kept secrets.

MARY CLARKSON (Councillor) Executive member for culture and heritage Oxford City Council