An annual village music festival saw its busiest day for at least 10 years despite weather warnings of wind and rain.

Bands including Hazy Soul, Let it Bleed and Abingdon Brass took to the stage at the Plough Inn in Long Wittenham for the return of Wittfest.

Landlady Kimberley Moody said: “The Saturday was probably the most successful day we have ever had at any of the Wittfests we have ever hosted.

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“There was just so many people around and the atmosphere was fantastic. The bands were great and local people who joined us stuck around for the whole day.”

Ms Moody estimated that, of the 1,300 people who attended throughout the weekend, almost 1,000 came on the Saturday.

“The Friday and Sunday were not great because of the weather over the weekend. Both days were very wet, and I think that deterred a lot of people,” she said.