Mary Berry is one of the many celebrity chefs who will be making a personal appearance and demonstrating at the Totally Food Show area of the CLA Game Fair. This recipe, which can be found in the revised edition of her Complete Cookbook (Dorling Kindersley), is a perfect salad dish to serve now summer has finally arrived.

YOU WILL NEED: 1lb (500g) skinless, boneless cooked chicken Three spring onions, finely sliced For the sauce you will need: 5 tbspns sunflower oil 3 tbspns white wine vinegar 2 tsp Dijon mustard 2-3 tsp caster sugar, to taste Two canned anchovy fillets, finely chopped 7fl oz (200ml) half-fat crème frâiche 1 tbspn chopped fresh tarragon 1 tbspn chopped parsley Salt and black pepper To Serve: Two perfectly ripe avocados Juice of half lemon Two spring onions, trimmed and cut lenghwise into fine slices Small bunch watercress.

METHOD: Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces and mix with the spring onions in a bowl.

Whisk all the sauce ingredients together in another bowl, adding salt and pepper to taste.

Mix the sauce with the chicken, cover and marinate in the refrigerator for at least two hours, overnight if possible.

Just before serving, halve, stone and peel the avocados, slice the flesh into half-inch (1cm) strips, and squeeze the lemon juice over them. Gently mix the avocado into the salad and serve on bed of watercress. Garnish with spring onions.