Sir - Your readers might like to hear some good news.

On Oxford's recent annual interfaith Friendship Walk, several hundred people of all faiths (and none) walked together through the streets of the city.

Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists of all ages met, talked and listened to each other, in a cheerful, friendly atmosphere. We walked from the Synagogue in Jericho to the University Church in the High Street, and on to Central Mosque in Manzil Way off the Cowley Road. We were welcomed at each place and shared prayers and songs from different faith traditions, as well as delicious food. The walk was led by faith and community leaders including the Bishop, and the Lord Mayor of Oxford.

Our Faith in Action Group (which includes members and ministers from four city centre churches) is one of many local faith organisations who support and promote the Friendship Walk.

As Christians we feel this event is a sign of hope in our community, and in our wider world.

Sally Meachim, Faith in Action Group, Oxford