Sir - I am writing to express my disappointment to find that restaurants I visited in Oxford last week do not recycle their glass bottles.

I was shocked to make this discovery, as the great efforts that many of the residents of Oxford are making are working towards giving the city a positive greener' image.

The importance of public venues making an effort to make less of an environmental impact is not just a matter of reducing their carbon footprint. It is important that the businesses in Oxford conform to the same positive objectives as the city's residents to make our city a better place.

To ignore the efforts of many of their clientele and members of their city, who are doing their bit is very inconsiderate and does not make their business an attractive place to visit.

The citizens of Oxford are under pressure to work towards reducing their carbon usage, following advice and using amenities provided by the city council allowing us to act accordingly; eg cycling instead of using cars or travelling by public transport and recycling. Do you not agree that the attitudes of these businesses are shameful?

It is preposterous and quite frankly disgusting that restaurants in our area are not making a similar effort to comply with the same environmental, community spirit as the general public.

Joanna Iles, Oxford