A sunken boat near Abingdon lock has been removed after several years.

It is not clear how long the boat has been in the River Thames for but it is believed to be around two to three years.

There is also a second sunken boat in the area which remains in the water.

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The operation to remove the vessel took place this week and involved specialist lifting equipment.

Concerns had been raised by residents about the risk that the boat posed to the environment and other river users.

Oxford Mail:

Some of them had written multiple letters to the Environment Agency who would have had the power to remove the boats should they cause hazards.

Mayor at the time Andy Foulsham, said last July: “I have seen the boats as I took part in a charity walk along the river and I think the situation is very concerning.

“It’s disappointing that the Environment Agency has not been able to take care of it and get hold of the owners – I think they should make steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again and that similar incidents don’t pollute the river and don’t cause environmental damage and hazards for the people who use the river.

“The boats owners should be doing something about it and I hope the Environment Agency gets in touch with them as soon as possible.”

The Environment Agency replied saying that they were looking to find a contractor to remove the boats but that they posed no immediate risk.

A spokesperson for the agency said: “As the owners of the vessels have failed to take action we are seeking a contractor to remove the boats in line with our safety policy.

“Fortunately they pose no immediate environmental risk and are clearly marked for boaters.

“Sunken boats are the owners’ responsibility. We intervene if a boat is presenting a significant hazard, flood-risk or causing pollution. We would look to recover the full cost of the operation from the boat owner.

“We ask anyone who spots pollution or a potential blockage in a river to contact us on our 24-hour hotline, 0800 80 70 60.”

As abandoned vessels degrade they release pollutants such as diesel, gas and other system fluids that can contaminate the water.

Contact with the riverbed rapidly wears hull materials, releasing more toxic chemicals as the boat decomposes.

Experts say that decaying bottom paint and batteries are also toxic as they release chromium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc into the water.

Users on Facebook said that the boat was removed this week using equipment from the Nuneham Viaduct works that had been going on close by.

Network Rail contractors were called to the area in April after concerns were raised that the bridge was sinking.