Sir - I would be very grateful if our local city and county councillors of all parties would answer the following questions:

1: How much money is being charged to those responsible for the skips that are taking up valuable residents' parking spaces?

2: Could they also explain why the regular patrols of police and wardens are failing to clamp all the cars that are parked in Oxford with no current road tax?

3: How many of the vehicles that regularly jump red traffic lights are spotted by the cameras that are supposed to be in operation above the lights?

4: How many of the vehicles that break the 50mph speed limit on the Botley stretch of the A34 are booked each day and if they are not being booked, why?

Finally, could the CCTV cameras that are in operation all over our fair city, start booking the vehicle drivers who do not appear to understand what the yellow cross-section boxes on the roads are for.

It would be in the interest of the rest of us road users if all of the above measures could be put into operation as soon as possible. The financial benefits from the fines and charges imposed would be in the interest of everyone.

Richard Morris, Oxford