A 21-home cul-de-sac will be built in an Oxfordshire town despite objections from councillors and neighbours.

The mix of detached and semi-detached houses will be constructed north of Thame town centre in a site known as Pearces Yard near Thame Town Cricket Club and the B4445.

South Oxfordshire District Council’s planning committee approved the plans submitted by Tamanend Estates LLP.

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This was despite objections from Thame Town Council, district councillors Pieter-Paul Barker and Kate Gregory, and four neighbours.

The town council claimed the proposals would not conserve or enhance the setting of the Thame Conservation Area, would not make a positive contribution to the local character and distinctiveness of the area, and would not respond to the specific character of the site and its local surroundings

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The neighbours’ concerns focused on the potential traffic increase caused by the development on the B4445, how wildlife and bird species in nearby trees would be affected, and the risk of flooding to the site.

But the committee were particularly satisfied to see the brownfield site reused and were ultimately satisfied with planning officers Nicola Smith’s recommendation of approval.

The homes will be a mixture of sizes, from one to five beds, and it is proposed some will be first homes, affordable rent, shared ownership, and market homes.

In its design and access statement, planning agents Iceni Projects said: “The proposals submitted seek to provide high quality residential housing with excellent sustainability credentials in an appropriate location.”