A community shop has made an urgent appeal for volunteers amid concerns the store will no longer be viable if more aren’t found.

Talking Shop in Sandford-on-Thames is run for the community by the community and relies on volunteers for support.

The community shop opened in 2010 and has since expanded to include both a café and a weekly market on Saturdays.

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Talking Shop secretary, Clare Wakeham said: “Now that Talking Shop has become ‘part of the landscape’ it’s easy to take it for granted.

Oxford Mail:

“Since the pandemic, many people’s lives have changed and we are struggling to get the numbers of volunteers that we need to keep running the shop and cafe.

“Without more volunteers, there is a real chance that we may have to reduce our opening hours or even close down.

“Volunteering offers a great opportunity to meet more people, learn new skills and revive old ones, while helping to support a much loved and valued community resource.

“Do as much or as little as you want, in the shop or kitchen or other roles behind the scenes. There are many ways to get involved.

Talking Shop is run by two managers Kylie Mackown and Ingrid Gaitet.

Kylie said: “The shop is a place for people to come and get their shopping but also to meet as well.

“We do a community lunch event each month where people come along and pay what they can.”

Oxford Mail:

She explained that the shop has struggled for volunteers since the UK came out of lockdown in 2021.

Kylie added: “After covid we essentially had to start from scratch.

“Unfortunately, we have now got to the point where we are desperate for volunteers.”  

Talking Shop is popular among members of the local community in Sandford-on-Thames.

Shop regular, Silvia Siret said: “We met everyone we know in Sandford on Thames at this shop. We've made friends as well.

“We're boaters who moor at the local lock in winter and nearby in summer.

“The family next to us just said they're visiting granny and grandad here, and they love coming here because there's the park attached, and it's quite safe to let them run and use the beautiful playground.

Oxford Mail:

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Talking Shop can be found in an extension built onto the village hall in Sandford-on-Thames.

If you are interested in volunteering, the community shop offers a variety of different shifts.

In particular, they need people on Tuesday mornings, Thursdays at the start and end of the day, Friday afternoons, and to help set up the Saturday market.

Oxford Mail:

But people are welcome at any of the times that the shop is open: Weekdays 9am – 4pm, or Saturday 8am – 12.30pm.

Pop into the shop or contact the team at volunteering.talkingshop@gmail.com if you are interested.