Residents have accused a developer of ‘trying to cram too many’ houses into ‘too small a space’ following new plans that would see nine homes built in Wallingford.

Gareth Bertram has applied for outline planning permission to build nine detached and semi-detached two-storey houses on an area of approximately 0.30 hectares on the western edge of Queens Avenue.

The application to South Oxfordshire District Council, the planning authority, is now under public consultation.

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Elinor Carter said: “The plot itself is one I have admired for years, but although there is a large garden it hardly seems a big enough space for nine properties - another case of trying to cram too many into too small a space.

“Access to it across the little car park by the vets, where children often play, would be awkward and potentially dangerous. Then there is the further impact on the wider infrastructure of Wallingford.”

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Andrew Brooker said the development looked ‘cramped’.

Eliot Simons added: “The road is already very small, with congested parking for the number of houses and cars that use it; the addition of nine more without any proposed enhancement would only worsen the existing situation.”

A planning statement submitted by Mr Bertram said: “The layout and form of the proposed development would respect and preserve the character and appearance of the area whilst making more efficient and effective use of land in a highly sustainable location.”