Jurors have spent the morning visiting the site of Phillip Breach’s alleged murder in Wood Farm.

Around two dozen police officers accompanied the visit on Wednesday morning (June 21), blocking off roads and paths in the north east Oxford estate.

Laws prevent the taking of photographs of those, like the jury, barristers and judge, who are involved in court proceedings during a site visit.

But the Oxford Mail was in Wood Farm first thing in the morning to photograph Thames Valley Police’s preparations for the visit by the jury.

READ MORE: Prosecution opens case against Wood Farm murder accused Liam Jones

Prosecutors say Liam Jones, 44, was responsible for the murder of 59-year-old Mr Breach in the early hours of November 30 last year.

The alleged victim was found on a pathway in the park between Wood Farm Road and Nuffield Road after 6am.

Oxford Mail: Police officers at the scene in Wood Farm, ahead of the jury site visit on Wednesday (June 21)

Mr Breach had walked from his flat in Bonar Road, through the park and onto Nuffield Road, before taking the cut through to the Cooperative shop in Atkyns Road.

CCTV showed him returning the same way. He never made it home.

Mr Breach and Jones lived in the same row of flats in Bonar Road and were known to each other, jurors heard on Tuesday as prosecutor Sarah Gaunt opened the case against the defendant.

Jones, formerly of Abingdon Road, Oxford, denies murder.

The trial continues.