A memorial day was held on April 29 to raise money following the sudden death of a beloved member of the community.

Kelly Jackson, from Donnington, died in April 2020.

She was born with Spina Bifida and spent most of her life in a wheelchair but this was not something that fazed her.

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Spina bifida is when a baby’s spine and spinal cord doesn’t develop properly in the womb, causing a gap in the spine.

Oxford Mail:

The memorial held at the Donnington Club raised a total of £2,100 for the Kelly Jackson Memorial Fund.

Ms Jackson was heavily involved with the charity Oxford PHAB which provides social activities for people with and without disabilities.

The fund was set up by a committee of 13 members to continue her charity work and in particular raise money to buy an all-purpose wheelchair access caravan in Weymouth.

The caravan would be available for families to use and would give them the chance to have a holiday in a safe environment.

Oxford Mail:

The committee members have already been Weymouth and the maintenance subcommittee has spoken about plans, designs and layout for a wheelchair accessible caravan.

Additionally, the fund is supporting young children in the Oxford area who are suffering from long-term illnesses.

Event organiser Barrie Evans said: “Wow what a wonderful and joyful day, us at the Kelly Jackson Memorial Fun couldn't have asked for anymore.

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“There were tears but also laughter which only shows how much love there was and still is for Kelly.

“We want to thank everyone that came and all of the well-wishes.”

In particular, Mr Evans wanted to thank Alison Riches for taking the service, Diane and Jerry for the food and doing the barbecue, Phoebe and Alex for bouncy castle duties and everyone that donated prizes.

He also highlighted the integral work of the MCC bikers for the cause. 

Oxford Mail:

He also mentioned the Kelly Jackson volunteer helpers; Lorainne, Kelly, Adele, Nan Jackson, Owen, Logan, Kay and Connor, as well as Andy from Occasional Doves.

Before the memorial day, Mr Evans said: “It’ll definitely be a chance to celebrate Kelly’s life. If this is successful, we’ll do it annually.

“We do an annual remembrance event for Kelly, and she loved doing stuff for charity – we’re continuing that work.

“Everyone knew Kelly, she was one of those people who everyone knew.”

Oxford Mail:

The plan for the memorial fund is to run regular fundraising events, as well as two larger events in the summer and the winter.

In August, those closest to Ms Jackson will celebrate her life during a mammoth five-a-side football tournament at Leys Pools and Leisure Centre in Blackbird Leys.