By Barney Riley

A wildlife park has successfully bred "rare" giant Mexican leaf frogs - for the first time in its history.

The Cotswold Wildlife Park has become the only zoological collection in the world to successfully breed the species in the last year.

The amazing feat saw keepers organise the highly special conditions in which the giant Mexican leaf frogs were able to breed.

Oxford Mail: Mexican Giant Leaf Frog

A video shows the froglets testing out their newly developed legs as they walk on the keeper's hands.

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The species originated in the sub-tropical area of Mexico and full-grown adults will get to only 10 centimetres long.

They are a nocturnal amphibian that usually eats insects.

In the wild, the breeding takes place near water sources such as ponds and swamps and once the spawn hatches they fall into the water.

Oxford Mail: Mexican Giant Leaf Frog

The wildlife park has dubbed one frog "Bowie" due to its striking eyes and another "Grumpy" for obvious reasons.

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Cotswold Wildlife Park said: "For the first time in the Park's history, the Reptile Team has successfully bred Giant Mexican Leaf Frogs.

"In the wild, this unusual species is found only in the sub-tropical forests of Mexico and requires highly specialised conditions to breed.

"Cotswold Wildlife Park is the only zoological collection in the world to have successfully bred Mexican Leaf Frogs in the last twelve months and has become only the second collection in history to have achieved success breeding these rare amphibians."

The successful breeding comes as the country recognises National Frog Month in April and Save the Frogs Day on the 28th.

Oxford Mail: Mexican Giant Leaf Frog