Thousands are expected in Oxford to celebrate May Morning which this year falls on a bank holiday.

The event is a unique Oxford tradition that stretches back more than 500 years when crowds gather at 6am to hear a Latin hymn sung from the top of Magdalen College tower.

Preparations are now under way for the event which last year attracted around 12,500 people.

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A road closure will be in place from The Plain to the top of the High Street from 2am until around 9am on Monday May 1.

Diversions and alternative cycling routes will be signposted.

Shaista Aziz, Oxford City Council cabinet member for inclusive communities and culture, said: "May Morning is a joyful celebration and absolutely unique to Oxford.

READ AGAIN: May Morning - huge crowds expected at this year's event

"This is not an organised event, it’s simply a coming together of people of all ages and backgrounds, families, students and visitors to mark a tradition, and that makes it a very special event for everyone to enjoy.

“The crowd management system has worked very well, and we are asking people once again to follow the instructions from stewards, keep to the pedestrian channels, and use the buggy and wheelchair areas if needed.

"If you are travelling through the city please be aware of the road closure and alternative routes.”