Huge crowds are expected for this year’s May Morning celebrations as it falls on a bank holiday.

The 500-year-old Oxford tradition will see thousands gather along High Street and Magdalen Bridge on May 1 for the 6am choral welcome for the coming of spring

Choristers from Magdalen College School will sing traditional pieces including the Hymnus Eucharisticus from the top of Magdalen College’s Great Tower.

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Oxford community groups will also display artwork on Magdalen Bridge.

Pubs and cafes, which will open from 6am, expect huge numbers at this year’s event as it coincides with the May bank holiday.

It is also only the second time the celebration has returned live since 2019 following the covid pandemic.

The Bear Inn in Alfred Street will be holding live music in a marquee in its garden from 7am as well as a BBQ.

The line-up includes John Otway, Barricane, Noisy Neighbours, Murray Torkildsen, Tin Can, Al Jenkins, Mid-Air, Emma Hunter and the Deadbeat Apostles.

Assistant manager Dani Farnell said the pub expected bigger crowds than usual because of the bank holiday, and added ‘we’re ready, we’re stocked up.”

She said: “We’re using plastic on the day rather than glass for obvious reasons. I don’t know how many we have but it is in the hundreds.

“It’s always incredibly busy. It fills out our entire garden out onto the street. It’s quite exciting. Everyone really loved May Morning.

“It’s one of the most eventful days you can work and everyone usually has quite a fun time.

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“I have been here for four years, but because of the pandemic we didn’t have it for two years but when it returned last year it was really fun.

“Because it’s such a busy morning, I would say to customers to get there early, or to wait until it files out a bit more. And the only way to order is come to the bar.”

The King’s Arms in Holywell St will be fully staffed to accommodate the large numbers as it serves beer and full English breakfasts.

This will be landlord and general manager Ali Dunn’s 19th May Morning opening, and he expects this year’s to be “busier than any other”.

He said: “We’re looking forward to it as we do every year. It’s the best day of the year to work. I mean that honestly.

“Everyone’s out and everyone’s enjoying themselves. You have all the Morris dancers and everyone’s out in force, all dressed up in costumes.”

Mr Dunn’s only advice to drinkers was to “behave yourself.”

He said: “The pub will be packed. It’s not even equivalent to a Friday night, it will be much busier. We never have any problems inside. Our staff are always able to keep up.”