Four fire engines were called to a coffee shop after reports of a fire at an industrial estate on Tuesday afternoon. 

Workers on Osney Mead industrial estate in Oxford evacuated their respective buildings as smoke began to rise from Jericho Coffee Traders roastery.

The fire service received the call at 2.36pm to attend the business. 

A spokesman for Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service said: “The incident was a small fire in a coffee roaster which was out on arrival.

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“Crews spent some time at the scene damping down. Two crews remained on the scene to liaise with the occupier.”

The fire service removed buckets of material emitting smoke from the back of the building, and one fireman addressed the manager of the coffee shop asking him how he handled the situation.

Oxford Mail:

The manager was praised for his quick actions with the first fire engine leaving the scene around 3.05pm.

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