Oxford Health has extended its condolences to the family and loved ones of a 15-year-old who was found dead in their bedroom.

Virgil Rhone of Kipling Close, Bicester died on March 3, 2022.

The inquest into Virgil’s death today (March 7) concluded a suicide verdict could not be recorded as there was insufficient evidence of an intention to commit suicide.

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Oxford Health is the NHS trust that looks after mental health hospitals in the region.

A spokesman for the trust said: “The Trust once again extends its deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Virgil. 

“Their death was a devastating event deeply felt by all Trust staff who knew and provided care to Virgil.

“The Trust participated fully and candidly with the inquest process, which we know was a challenging process for Virgil’s family.

Oxford Mail:

“We will continue to speak with Virgil’s family and provide further information to the coroner in order to continue to examine any ways of improving the delivery of effective healthcare to the population that we serve.”

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At the inquest coroner Darren Salter ruled: “Without a clear suicide note and taking into account Virgil’s age, condition and capacity, to form any intent it is not a finding I can make.

“I’m not going to return a conclusion of suicide.

 “The act was deliberate, but the intent was uncertain.”

The coroner added that the death could have been an "escalation of self-harming behaviour."

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