Residents struggling with the cost of living crisis can now receive greater support to help pay the soaring bills.

Oxfordshire residents who rely on housing benefit can claim £300 from Oxfordshire County Council thanks to money allotted to the Household Support Fund.

Oxfordshire County Council received £3.3 million from the Department for Work and Pensions, and this is the third round of money being dished out from the Household Support Fund.

Oxfordshire County Council have sent letters to the 4,250 residents who are eligible for the extra support.

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Oxfordshire County Council’s Corporate Director for Customers and Organisational Development and Resources Claire Taylor said: “We know it’s a challenging time for many residents.

“That is why we are using the Household Support Fund, money provided by Department for Work and Pensions, to support residents most in need.

“This measure is another way the council is continuing to support residents during the cost of living crisis, and I would encourage everyone eligible to respond to their letter as soon as possible.”

Letters sent out to eligible residents have a link included which residents must follow to enter their bank details and they will be given a unique reference number to protect against fraud.

Those eligible will be in receipt of housing benefit but no other relevant state benefits, meaning they do not qualify for the government’s cost of living payments.

Other support available to vulnerable residents includes £1.1 million worth of food vouchers for children and early years on free school meals during the school holidays and £200,000 has been allocated towards helping residents with long term health conditions and disabilities.

In addition to this, £200,000 will be spent on carers and £500,000 will be available to city and district councils to use for local emergency welfare schemes.

The Household Support Fund was first set up by the UK Government on September 30 2021 to support vulnerable households across the country.

The £500 million fund was extended by the UK Government on 26 May 2022 and an additional £500 million was distributed to local authorities, which they then choose how to spend.