Three places in Oxfordshire have been listed among the worst places to live in the UK in a recent poll.

Satirical website iLiveHere each year asks the public to review their area as they rank the nation's towns and cities throughout the country.

Over 105,000 people voted this year with the results announced on Monday, February 6.

Henley-on-Thames ranked as the 13th worst place to live in the country whilst Oxford placed five places below 18th as Abingdon also made the list at number 31.

READ MORE: Oxfordshire villagers 'devastated' as 120 new homes to be built

The rankings, which have been topped by Buckinghamshire town Aylesbury in the past two years, has a new 'winner' in the Bedfordshire town of Luton.

Oxford Mail: Henley-on-Thames Henley-on-Thames (Image: Archant)

The site harshly critiqued the riverside town Abingdon as being “one of the newest blights on civilised society” and as “utterly, totally and completely charmless in every respect.”

One lifelong resident also recently wrote to the Oxford Mail to agree with the town’s submission to the shortlist.

Oxford is described as being subject to a “class war” due to “the posh, the privately educated, the connected, those who have money and go to Oxford University” who "segregate" the rest of the people who live in the city.

One unhappy contributor said: “I have never known a more polarised and divided town.

“When I first moved here 14 years ago I learned the phrase ‘Town & Gown’.

“This means the town and the university divide and basic hatred of each other.

“There is no happy middle here. The posh women dress in white jeans, boots, wax jackets, jumpers etc. you know the prep school look, and they can afford to.

“The posh blokes, classicality red or maroon jeans/trousers, stripy long sleeve shirt basically looking like a tramp but talking posh.

“This isn’t fake Burberry, this is the real deal. These people have money and lots of it.

“They speak a different language, it’s English, but it’s posh and it’s spoken to ensure that you ‘know your place’ in society.”

Henley, which ranked the highest among the Oxfordshire areas, is initially described as a “lovely little town” with “nice people” by the website before it begins to list more cynical views.

One reviewer said: "The general inhabitants of this town can’t fail to see the downward spiral of the town."

Whilst another added: “Special mention of course must go to those who ‘hang around’ the square, shouting nonsense at the ‘posh’ people.”