A Post Office worker was caught cheating a council out of housing benefit for the second time.

Paul Greenough, of Lenthal Road, Bletchingdon, has been ordered to repay Cherwell District Council £339.32 after he failed to report changes to his tax credit award. Greenough denied two charges of knowingly failing to tell the local authority about changes in circumstances that affected his housing benefit.

Banbury magistrates heard that during an investigation, Greenough said he had handed in tax credit documents to the council's office in Exeter Hall, Kidlington.

But records showed the 45-year-old had not been to the office and no letters had been received.

During the hearing, Greenough claimed his wife had taken the documents to the council, but later said he could not remember.

He was found guilty on both counts and was fined £100, ordered to repay the £339.32 and legal costs of £500. He also had to pay a £15 victim surcharge and a 12-month extension was added to his existing three-year conditional discharge.

Afterwards, the council said the case might have been considered for an out-of-court settlement, but Greenough was a repeat offender who had already appeared in court for a similar offence.