Fresh life is set to be injected into a crumbling village hall, thanks to a bumper grant of almost £500,000.o Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre, in Besselsleigh Road, Wootton, near Abingdon, has been given a grant from the Big Lottery Fund's community buildings programme.

Earlier in the year, it was awarded £25,000 from the Lottery's development fund, but it has now been handed a further £475,000.

Work to refurbish the tired building will start in the summer and is expected to take about six months to complete.

Alex Parker, chairman of Wootton Parish Council, said: "The redeveloped community centre will be a substantial asset to the village and the surrounding neighbourhood for many years to come."

Villagers have been campaigning for the refurbishment for the past two and a half years and have set up a development committee.

Member George Edmonds-Brown said: "The community centre was built in the 50s and is still very well used.

"Over the years, it has become more and more dilapidated and the requirement for a more accessible, multi-use centre has become apparent.

"A number of our regular users have commented on the need for a refurbishment and the support we have received from the local community is very strong.

"Everyone is absolutely delighted with the Lottery grant. It will provide a focus for the village, which will increase new activity here, particularly for the younger and older generations, and will generally revitalise the centre - everyone is really looking forward to it."

The centre will consist of a large hall and three multi-use rooms, with renovations being made to the interior and exterior of the building, including a new entrance, new pitched roofs, refurbished kitchen and toilets, an extra function room and improved disabled access.

Planning permission has been granted for the refurbishment, which is expected to cost about £850,000. Fundraising is in full swing for the remaining amount.

The community centre houses more than 25 groups, with more than 700 people using it regularly, such as a senior citizens group, indoor bowlers, a drama group, a youth club and pre-school club.

Mr Edmonds-Brown hopes that the makeover will allow even more activities to take place.

He said: "We will have multi-purpose rooms which we feel will be good for major events like weddings and parties, which will ensure its future."

To help with fundraising, call Mr Edmonds-Brown on 01865 739419.