Extradition proceedings against a Banbury man convicted of abandoning a fatally-injured teenager after a road accident in Greece 11 years ago are to continue.

Paul Pettinger, 36, of Woodfield, Banbury, who crashed and left pillion passenger Jonathan Trueman, 18, was given a three year jail sentence with an alternative of a fine by a Greek Court.

Pettinger has since paid the fine of £3,668 with interest amounting to £7,440, but today the court was told that, as a result of different exchange rates, he still owes around £200.

The case has been adjourned until June 30 at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court.

Ben Keith, for the Greek authorities, told the court today: "The Greek government agreed to drop the case if a sum of money in Euros was paid.

"Pettinger paid the money in pounds and due to exchange rate varying he owes just them just under £200 before conclusion."

Mr Trueman died ten days after the accident in Zakynthos in September, 1997.

When his case was heard in Greece in 2001, Pettinger refused to return face justice.

He was convicted in his absence of causing negligent manslaughter and sentenced to three years in prison, with an alternative of a fine of £3,668.

In April, City of Westminster Magistrates' Court heard Pettinger had paid the fine and adjourned for a formal decision to withdraw the extradition proceedings.