INDERPAL SANDHU, 24, Berkswell Road, Coventry, pleaded guilty to driving a Ford Transit van on the M40 while over the drink drive limit. Tests showed the driver had 60mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mcgs. Sandhu was fined £600, banned from driving for three years and ordered to pay £860 in costs and surcharge.

NATHAN BOURTON, 41, of James Street, Oxford, pleaded guilty to damaging doors in Oxford. He must pay a total of £300 in compensation.

ANDREW BURTON-PAGE, 49, of Thames View Road, Oxford, pleaded guilty to using threatening words or behaviour, assault by beating and possession of cocaine. The public order charge specified that Burton-Page had used ‘towards members of the public, including shoppers, bus drivers and taxi drivers threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause those persons to believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against them’. He must pay £150 in compensation to the victim of the assault and, as part of a community order, must undertake alcohol rehabilitation and mental health treatment programmes.

LEWIS HENDERSON, 19, of Newlands Way, Cholsey, admitted possession of cannabis and possession of a knuckleduster in a private place. He was fined £100 for having the weapon and given a 12 month conditional discharge for the cannabis matter. He was ordered to pay £125 in costs and surcharge.

PAUL CHILTON, 40, of Pippin Close, Banbury, was found guilty in his absence of behaving in a threatening way towards two people in Pippin Close last June. He was also convicted of failing to surrender to the court. Chilton was ordered to pay £100 in compensation to each victim. A community order requires him to undergo mental health and alcohol rehabilitation programmes.

PAUL MCCABE, 48, of Jubilee Court, Banbury, admitted possession of heroin and crack cocaine, and also pleaded guilty to failing to surrender to the court. He was given a community order with alcohol and mental health rehabilitation requirements. The district judge imposed £85 in costs.

GHORGHE MURESAN, 64, of London Road, Lewknor, was found guilty of drink driving a Skoda Octavia in Kingston Blount. He was twice the drink-drive limit. The magistrates fined Muresan £242, banned him from the roads for 20 months and ordered he pay £597 in costs and surcharge.

ERGYS IBRAHIMI, 31, of Alice Smith Square, Littlemore, pleaded guilty to driving a Mercedes dangerously on Newman Road on October 1 last year and driving it while over the drink-drive limit. Ibrahimi blew 51mcgs of alcohol in breath, around one-and-a-half times the legal limit. He was given 20 weeks’ imprisonment suspended for a year, with the judge describing the defendant as having a ‘flagrant disregard for people and their property’. He was banned from driving for 16 months and ordered to do up to 16 rehabilitation activity requirement sessions. He must pay £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service and a £154 victim surcharge.

TERANCE MITCHELL, 33, of Villiers Road, Kings End, admitted attending a property in Caversfield in breach of a restraining order last October. The offence was committed while Mitchell was subject to a suspended sentence. He was jailed for 18 weeks and ordered to pay £100 in costs.

DOREL CIUTUZA, 49, of Hamilton Close, Banbury, was caught driving an Audi A4 in the Musketeer pub car park last April when he was more than four times the drink-drive limit. Tests showed he had 156mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35. The judge imposed 10 weeks’ imprisonment suspended for a year and banned Ciutuza from the roads for four years. The defendant was ordered to pay £203 in costs and surcharge.

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This story was written by Tom Seaward. He joined the team in 2021 as Oxfordshire's court and crime reporter.  

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