PARENTS and teachers across the Thames Valley region are being encouraged to warn young people about the dangers of underage drinking as prom nights are approaching.

Prom night is renowned for underage drinking and young people need to remember that 18 is the legal age to purchase alcohol.

Inspector John Fox, of Thames Valley Police, said: "We are not saying don't have a great time on your prom night'. We are just saying don't drink alcohol and ruin your evening'. Parents can help their children have a great time by checking that they don't drink."

Young people who have drunk alcohol are more likely to do things they wouldn't normally do; for example have unprotected sex (which can result in pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection). They are also more likely to be involved in dangerous situations with one third of all rapes happening when the victim has been drinking.

James Mapstone, of the South Central Strategic Health Authority, said: "Prom night should be a night to remember, however you do not want to be remembered by your friends for your embarrassing behaviour or because you left in an ambulance.

"After a night of excessive drinking you are more likely to be involved in an accident, violence or become a victim of crime, including serious sexual assault."

Every day in Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight about three people under 18 are admitted to hospital as a direct result of alcohol.

Police can issue 16 and 17-year-olds with penalty notices for offences of buying or attempting to buy alcohol. These notices impose a penalty of £80.