A MOTORIST has been jailed after driving the wrong way along a dual carriageway before ramming police cars in a 90mph chase.

Oxford Crown Court heard that William O'Leary frightened drivers by hitting the central reservation on the M40. The 25-year-old then drove towards Oxford on the A40 and rammed a police car.

Ian Thomas, prosecuting, said he then reversed at high speed the wrong way.

"The officers decided it was far too dangerous for them to pursue," he said. "As they looked up the road, they saw three vehicles coming off the motorway in the direction of Oxford, coming directly into the path of the car being driven by the defendant, who had, by this stage, turned the car around to drive forwards.

"Police saw the three vehicles swerve to avoid a collision."

Other officers chased father-of-two O'Leary, of Parker Street, London, northbound on the M40 at speeds of up to 90mph before managing to stop him.

O'Leary, who had admitted dangerous driving and driving while disqualified at an earlier hearing, had two previous convictions for driving dangerously.

Jailing him for 18 months and banning him from driving for four years, Judge Patrick Eccles said: "You have an appalling record."