Since 1998, the Trust for Oxfordshire's Environment (TOE) has awarded more than £4m to almost 400 community and environmental projects across the county.

It supports sustainable local projects that make a real difference to community life and natural heritage.

These include:

Community buildings - projects that ensure village halls and other community buildings are accessible to all, energy-efficient, and meet the needs of their communities. Examples include solar panels at the West Oxford community centre and improved insulation at Tetsworth village hall.

Community woodlands - created by and managed for local communities, providing places for enjoyment, wildlife and timber. TOE funded North Hinksey and Kennington community woodlands.

Improving local rights of way - TOE's Our Places for People scheme, run in partnership with Oxfordshire County Council, is for local communities wishing to improve access to the countryside. Projects have included an all-weather path to link the two parts of Fritwell village, encouraging more families to walk to school.

Management and creation of wildlife habitats - recent projects include a new pond at BBOWT's Blenheim Farm nature reserve in Charlbury and habitat creation at the Oxford Urban Wildlife Group's Boundary Brook Nature Reserve, Oxford.

Play and recreation - encouraging people to use local facilities by supporting improvements to play equipment and recreation areas, such as the new teenage facilities in Steeple Aston.

TOE works under the Landfill Communities Fund, a national scheme deriving its funds from landfill tax.

It works in partnership with its main funding organisations - the Waste Recycling Group, the Viridor Credits Oxfordshire Fund and Grundon Waste Management.

If you have a local project in need of funds, call 01865 883488 or email: Alternatively visit the website: