PLANS for the major redevelopment of a site near Bicester Village have been criticised by residents.

The owners of the shopping centre want to redevelop land north and south of Pingle Drive to provide a new public park, a car and cycle hub with electric vehicle charging and additional services, including retail and food.

After two rounds of public consultation, an application was submitted last month to Cherwell District Council, the planning authority.

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The plans include:

  • St Edburg’s Park – a new public park to ‘create a new public realm space for the town.’
  • An extension to the end of the existing village at the western end
  • A car and cycle hub with 1,246 spaces, each space having the infrastructure to have EV charging

Oxford Mail:

A design and access statement submitted as part of the plans said: “Due to the recent and programmed loss of a number of off-site parking locations, the need for replacement car parking on site is essential to the ongoing success of Bicester Village.

“The car parking element is being future proofed so that all of the spaces have the ability to have EV charging.”

But some residents are opposing the new car park as they said it would increase traffic in an already busy area of the town.

More than 40 comments were received by the district council as part of the consultation process. 

Tom Marrs, who lives in Avon Crescent, said: “This development gives no consideration for the residents of Bicester.

“Destroying a historic part of the town for this development will only impact the residents of Bicester negatively. I can see no positive for this whatsoever other than to increase footfall to an already busy part of Bicester.”

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Another resident, Steph Anderson, said: “This will create a huge increase in traffic and congestion to an already over busy area.

“A multi story car park is an out of town structure and does not fit in with the surrounding buildings or area and will offer no benefit to local residents.”

Mihail Chompalov, who lives in Kings End, said: “Although I am pleased to see part of the area will be regenerated, I have a concern regarding the layout of the proposed car park.

“I am afraid the proposed exit will endanger vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. The nearby bus stop on Oxford Road is busy, it is often used by children, who will have to cross in front of the exiting vehicles.”

Peter Lloyd, who lives in South Meadow, said: “I object to the change of use from sports ground to car park. This land has been used for community sports for many years.

“This land should be reserved for community sport use. Bicester Village should not be encouraging increased car journeys at an already congested traffic nightmare. We are in danger of losing our town identity.”

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This story was written by Anna Colivicchi, she joined the team this year and covers health stories for the Oxfordshire papers. 

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