AN MP has told of her decision not to apply to an Oxford college, after they ‘corrected her grammar on the phone.’

Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer and MP for Leeds West Rachel Reeves wrote about her experiences with the education system in an opinion piece published by the Telegraph.

After sitting A-Levels in politics, economics, maths and further maths, she read philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford University’s New College, after she decided not to apply to Christ Church.

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She said: “Going to university wasn’t normal at my school: very few girls had parents who had been to university, and the majority didn’t even stay on for A-levels; it just wasn’t what was expected.

“But anyway I summoned up my nerve and I telephoned one of the Oxford colleges, Christ Church. ‘Me and a friend would like to come to your open day,’ I started, rather tremulously.

“And the admissions lady responded by correcting me: ‘My friend and I,’ she said emphatically.

“Did she not know how difficult it had been to make that phone call? I had nobody else to make that call for me, please try and make me feel like I might be welcome there.

“So anyway I didn’t apply to Christ Church, I applied for New College because they didn’t correct my grammar on the phone.”

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This story was written by Anna Colivicchi, she joined the team this year and covers health stories for the Oxfordshire papers. 

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