Witney MP Robert Courts has said increasing domestic energy production is 'critical' but he will consult carefully on plans for a proposed solar farm that would be built across three districts.

The Botley West Solar Farm would be built on sites north of Woodstock, west of Kidlington and west of Botley, much of which is owned by the Blenheim Estate.

It would be the UK’s most powerful solar farm with the capacity to generate electricity for all of Oxfordshire's homes, said developer Photovolt Development Partners (PVDP).

Robert Courts said: "This year has highlighted the critical importance of increasing domestic energy production, and renewables must be at the heart of this" but he added, "I will be looking carefully at the impact of these proposals on West Oxfordshire, engaging with PVDP and local residents."

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The project would need special government classification, which PVDP could apply for in 2023.

West Oxfordshire District Council said while it acknowledged the need for green energy it would be ensuring that the community benefits directly.

Lib Dem Andy Graham, leader of the council, also said they were "very concerned that given the intrusive nature of what is being proposed that the applicant appears to be circumventing the planning authority’s normal practice".

He said: "By using three distinct separate sites as a single application and leaving it to the Secretary of State to decide it does not give each area effected the chance to give their own view through the normal planning process on behalf of local communities."

Mr Graham, who represents Woodstock at county level, added: “We will respond to the consultation and encourage local people to do the same with any views they have on the solar farm.”

Woodstock town councillor Sharone Parnes said he wanted clarification on what would be done about taking farmland out of production and the risks of glare so close to London Oxford Airport.

And he said there had been little warning from Blenheim.

He said: "I admire Bladon Parish Council’s quick and proactive public announcement yesterday, informing that they’ve been invited to a webinar about it and are talking to Blenheim next week.

"I have asked Woodstock's Town Hall to explore opportunities to join their talks or facilitate our own in order that our elected members, too, can have the chance to become better informed beyond only what is on the publicity materials."

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Botley resident Dave Ralphs said: "I've just had a fancy booklet delivered in post for Botley West Solar farm. This appears to be south and west of the proposed Red House Farm site [a proposed solar farm in Farmoor].

"I'm concerned about the amount of farmland being lost and the proposed cable route along over Swinford to Eynsham. However, we have it easy compared to Yarnton, Long Hanborough and  Tackley as the proposals there would be several times the size of the airport.

"Local councils will need to scrutinise these very carefully. The only upside I can see is if they are creating a cable route on or next to Eynsham Road. Get them to build the footpath and cyclepath on top of it."


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This story was written by Miranda Norris, she joined the team in 2021 and covers news across Oxfordshire as well as news from Witney.

Get in touch with her by emailing: Miranda.Norris@newsquest.co.uk. Or find her on Twitter: @Mirandajnorris

Profile: Miranda Norris Journalists news from the Oxford Mail