THE daily routine of Oxford firefighters was interrupted by an unexpected treat - tea from a group of Brownies.

White table cloths and fresh flowers adorned the mess room at the Rewley Road fire station in Oxford as a team of seven and eight-year-old Brownies waited on them.

They served them tea and cakes and chatted to them during their break from duty one afternoon in 1984.

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As the Oxford Mail described it at the time, “30 firemen were spoilt something rotten by a dozen Brownies”.

The Brownies from the 6th North Oxford pack were taking part in national Brownie-Guide tea making fortnight.

Every Brownie was set a target of making at least 30 perfect cups of tea in those two weeks.

There were prizes for the girls who made the most cups and for the winning pack nationwide.

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Fireman Mark Griffin, who usually only drank coffee, accepted a cuppa when he saw how much effort the Brownies had put in.

He said: “It was an excellent cuppa – worth 10 out of 10.”

It wasn’t just tea the Brownies offered – they also brought along platefuls of butterfly cakes and cornflake crispies which the firefighters gladly tucked into.

Brownie Cassie Wakeford said: “We didn’t expect them to be so hungry.”

Station Sub-Officer Richard Bowley, left, and Station Officer Pat Rosum are pictured taking tea with, left to right, Katherine Howlett, Anna Lawson, Cassie Wakeford, Cheryl Walker and Julie Moquet.

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This story was written by Andy Ffrench, he joined the team more than 20 years ago and now covers community news across Oxfordshire.

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