Abandon ship, man the lifeboats, HMS Great Britain is slowly sinking beneath the waves.

Britain used to run the world, but now it couldn't run a booze-up in a brewery. Our so-called Government is now omnipotent and pays only lip service to the electorate, as this country is now run by unelected beauracrats in France and Germany.

The sensible laws that were used for centuries to maintain order are now defunct as they have been overridden by our new masters at the EU and new ones, such as not being allowed to sell bent bananas, implemented.

We now have a record 143,000 police officers in England and Wales but, due to meddlesome foreigners with their silly forms to be filled in with targets and data collection, there is only one policeman in 58 actually out on patrol at any given time.

Most councils ride roughshod over the electorate, whose views they ignore, and waste vast sums of taxpayers' money on frivolous schemes, like the unwanted and, in many cases, useless traffic calming measures, while reducing other services, including rubbish collections, all on the orders of other nationalities, who have the power to fine us for non-compliance.

We no longer have controls over our own borders and are now compelled to allow millions of unwanted foreigners to inundate our schools and health services and deprive British natives of jobs.

Thanks to the ill thought out Human Rights Act, we are forced to support anti-British troublemakers instead of deporting them.

The British people are now the most spied upon anywhere on the globe, with the most CCTVs per capita in the world.

The Government controls everyone and everything they do.

Big Brother adverts are now on TV warning us all that we are all on the computer and woe betide if you forget to tax your car or fail to renew your TV licence on time because they are out to get you with punitive fines, instead of sending a reminder as they did in the old days.

New 360-degree speed cameras that photograph the front and the back of your car as it passes, to identify the driver, are now being installed, while foreigners are allowed to wear veils at all times, thereby making identification of these wrongdoers impossible.

There are now towns in the north of the country where the native born English are in the minority, with the local councils run by peoples from distant shores.

Beware of saying or writing anything detrimental about them, though, or you will be labelled a racist - and don't even think about criticising the Government as this may lead to arrest.

Will the last person leaving Britain please turn off the lights. Thank you.