The Oxford Mail can reveal the proposed make-up of the city council's new decision-making executive board.

There is no room at the table for any opposition councillors in the nine-strong cabinet.

Labour, by virtue of the fact the group has the largest number of councillors, will lead the authority until the next elections, in 2010.

However, all 48 councillors will tonight take a vote on the proposed new executive board.

If the proposal goes through, as expected, outgoing Lord Mayor John Tanner will take over control of the city's waste collection arrangements, taking up a portfolio entitled cleaner, greener city.

The proposed executive board in full is:

Bob Price - city council leader and corporate governance and strategic partnerships

Ed Turner - deputy leader and finance, housing and strategic planning

Antonia Bance - social inclusion and young people

Mary Clarkson - culture and heritage

Colin Cook - city development

Saj Malik - safer communities

John Tanner - cleaner, greener city

Bob Timbs - leisure and sport

Oscar Van Nooijen - service transformation