AN OXFORD United fan who was repeatedly struck on the head with a hammer has told of his relief at seeing his attacker convicted.

Terry Stevens, who grew up in Barton and Rose Hill, was attacked at a cash machine in Swindon, after moving there six years ago.

The father-of-four was beaten and robbed of his mobile phone and £130.

This week, Sheldon Thomas was found guilty of robbery and GBH with intent.

Since the attack, on October 13, 2007, Mr Stevens, 51, has had to relearn how to spell and piece his life back together after being left with 'four holes in his head'.

During the trial at Swindon Crown Court, Thomas, of Holbein Square, Grange Park, Swindon, was unrepentant and denied he played any part in the attack, blaming a friend he was with. The pair had taken crack cocaine on the night of the attack.

Mr Stevens said: "It is so nice to see the British justice system work. It seems as though the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders."

Thomas will be sentenced on May 30.