A 13-year-old has admitted defecating in a pulpit and spreading the excrement over the stained glass windows at a church in Bicester.

The youth, from Bicester, was interviewed by police and admitted carrying out the attack at St Edburg's Church, in Church Street.

Jon Payne, a youth and schools involvement officer in Bicester, said: "The public were very upset when they read about this incident.

"By speaking to people in the town and the good policing of the officers in Bicester, it came to light who was responsible and subsequently the youth has admitted the offence.

"This is stupidity that got out of hand and something we're not getting every day."

The incident, which happened on Saturday, April 5, was immediately reported to the police.

Verger Colin Boyce, 68, had to clear up the mess, Because of the incident he is now keeping the church locked, only opening it when there was someone able to stand guard.

The Youth Justice Service in Banbury has yet to decide a course of action.