A burglar fleeing a university college and a tool thief have been caught on camera.

Police are now appealing to Oxford Mail readers who recognise any of the criminals to help officers track them down.

Last night, police released footage of a man spotted by a porter walking through Balliol College, in Broad Street, with a suspicious bundle under his jacket.

When challenged by the college porter, he handed over a stolen Digibox and DVD player then escaped out of the front doors.

Chief Insp Jack Malhi, Oxford deputy police commander, said: "The porter goes to call the police, but unfortunately he hasn't locked the door properly and the man makes off into Broad Street. The camera shows a very clear image of the man - you can even see the electric cable and plug hanging down out of his jacket."

He ran off at around midnight on Friday, February 29.

A photo of a man wanted in connection with a spate of tool thefts from vehicles across the city has also been released in the hope he may be recognised by members of the public.

The man, wearing a hooded top with Lonsdale written on the front, was snapped in the act earlier this year.

In just four weeks in February and March there were around 30 reports of tools stolen from cars and vans in Cowley, Rose Hill and Blackbird Leys.

Mr Malhi said: "We were suffering from a spate of tool thefts in the East Oxford area.

"We've made a number of arrests and the problem seems to have dried up, but this man is still outstanding and we want to trace him.

"This is an on-going problem - power tools can fetch a lot of money on the black market and they are often stolen from workmen's vans."

He added: "It's vital for self-employed people to remove their tools from their cars and vans, particularly overnight."

Anyone with information on the CCTV images should call police on 08458 505505 or speak anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.